The Deepway Centre Trust (“the Trust”) is a registered charity (No. 1005737) whose purpose is to maintain and operate the Deepway Centre in Exminster.
The Trust was established by Exminster Parish Council in September 1991. The Trust is managed by a group of eight trustees, comprising five elected from residents of the Parish at the Annual General Meeting of the Trust, together with a trustee nominated by Exminster Pre-School, a trustee nominated jointly by the Scouts and Guides, and a trustee nominated by the Parish Council.
The Trust Deed states that the purpose of the Trust is:
to provide a community or village hall for the use of the inhabitants of the parish of Exminster in the county of Devon without distinction of political, religious or other opinions including use for meetings, lectures and classes and for other forms of recreation and leisure time occupation and with the object of improving the conditions of life for the inhabitants of Exminster (and in particular but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing for the benefit of the Exminster playgroup and the Exminster scout and guide groups).
The Trust is responsible for keeping the exterior and main structure of the building (including the roof and the foundations) in good condition, as well as the repair and maintenance of the interior of the property, and is also responsible for the internal and external decoration of the property.
Clare is our part-time Finance & Bookings Manager who oversees the day-to-day running of the hall, manages bookings, maintains accounts and provides administrative support to the Trustees.
The Trustees are:
- Andy Smith (Chairman)
- Christopher Walledge (Vice-Chairman)
- Michaela Petherick
- Kevin Smith (nominated by Exminster Parish Council)
- Leah Barnes (nominated by Exminster Pre-School)
- David Allard (nominated by Exminster Scouts & Guides)